Field Recordings

Here you can listen different field recordings I’ve recorded around the world. Sometimes I did not use professional gear because the intent of these files is not the intrinsic characteristics or the quality of sound itself (sound as object), but the meaning behind the sound (sound as event). In this case I preferred to be a witness of the soundscape, even with a Zoom H4, rather than doing a specific job on place. It’s probably the same thing of a reporter that shoots with his camera events otherwise gone lost – and probably with audio recordings it’s worse because of strong connection between sound and present time: every sound is unique.

What many people find unusual about recording sounds is the sense (the question is: Why?), but they have instagram accounts with millions of photos!: our culture is essentially an image culture. If you want to deepen this topic visit the Simon Fraser University (Vancouver) page of the Handbook for Acoustic Ecology by Barry Truax; in particular these ones: Sonography, Sound Event, Sound Object.

Furthermore in my soundcloud page you can listen same files in playlist mode, here.